Welcome to AGFDL

Green Energy Revolution

Protecting the environment, driving economic growth and powering your homes with 100% renewable energy



Africa Great Future Development (AGFDL) is a renewable energy company registered in the UK, Mozambique and Nigeria with imminent plans to expand into South Africa, Tanzania and Malawi and into rest of the continent.


Driven by personal passion to see over 1.3 billion Africans achieve affordable universal electricity access; 600 million of whom are off the grid, AGFDL founders embarked on a mission to be part of the solution providers.  After years of speaking with many African countries’ governments and establishing partnerships with renewable energy technology companies in the west, AGFDL is poised to become a major player in the production of Hydro Energy.



Is the future, make it brilliant.

What we offer

Our Operations

Electricity Production

The substation(s) will be constructed and installed on dry land near the river site where USG units are installed on the riverbed. Powerlines will be

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Hydrogen Production

According to Bloomberg, hydrogen industry is set to grow exponentially to exceed fossil fuels by 2050. Applications for liquid hydrogen will be widely available to

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Oxygen Production

Water electrolysis is the process of splitting water molecules. This process is carried out in the presence of an alkaline solution (electrolyte) and requires electricity

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Let’s shine the dream with green hydro energy

Utilising an abundant resource to change the fortunes of Africa


Live Green, Love Green, Think Green.

Patented Inventions

Our team has invented Underwater Superconducting Generator(USG), Water Wheel Hydro Power Systems (WWHPS), Hydrogen production, Oxygen production, IoT in Agriculture, Classical Patent Power Station, Endless Terawatt Quantum Power Belt Generator

Smart Technology

Our inventions were developed to solve the world's energy, food, protein supply problems and bring the world into the age of green energy project.

Certified Experts

The founders namely Chen Shuming, Su Nanjie, Chen Shuli and Alphonsus Ukah have among them over 150 years of experience working in relevant industries. They are the inventors of this new WWHPS and USG technology that was successfully deployed. Invention patents for the technology, can be verified.

Technical Support

Our team is ready to provide support at every stage of each project.